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Project Setup


In this project we use the python version >=3.8. It is recommendet to use pyenv to install the required Python version as it minimizes conflicts with the system python executable. You can install it using the autoinstaller with the following line.

curl | bash

After that you need to install a compatible python verison. To do that run:

pyenv install 3.8.9

This command will take a while. After that you should have the binary python3.8 installed. Pyenv should automatically pick up the right Python version from the .python-version file.


poetry is a tool for dependency management and packaging in Python. It allows you to declare the libraries your project depends on and it will manage (install/update) them for you. To install it run:

curl -sSL | python

And to force Poetry to install the virtual environment in the project folder, run:

poetry config true

To install all dependencies and the project itself, navigate into the folder with the file poetry.lock, and execute:

poetry install



Pre commit hooks are used to lint the code and to strip output from commited Jupyter Notebooks automatically before every code commit. This assures that only clean code is pushed into the repository. The tool is automatically installed as an dev dependency. To integrate pre-commit into your git hooks use:

pre-commit install

To check once against all files pre-commit run --all-files. The hooks can be edited in the file .pre-commit-config.yaml. You can find more details here.


Commitizen is a tool designed for teams. Its main purpose is to define a standard way of committing rules and communicating it. The tool is automatially installed as a dev dependency. Instead of writing git commit -m "feat: add something", you can use

cz commit

to create a commit message. You can find more details here.


The code is documented via mkdocs with the extension mkdosctrings. To generate the documentation the command mkdocs build must be used. To open the documentation in the browser the command mkdocs serve can be used. To implement new parts of documentation in the report adapt nav section in the mkdocs.yml file. A detailed description of the description can be found in the usage description of the mkdocstrings package. To build the documentation a convinience method was registerd with make. This can be run with:

make documentation